Writer Steve Kloves, J.K. Rowling
Audience Score 617981 vote
release year 2001
directed by Chris Columbus
duration 152 M
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It seems that this movie has won the hearts of people who have read the book, and NOT read it. But I must say that this was way too slimmed down. For example, we see one Quidditch game (if you don't know, I'll explain later) to the books plural number (I wasn't counting the Quidditch games. Also, there was a conversation on Harry at the beginning of the book, and I think it was also between Uncle Vernon (I forget, is that his name? and some other person that I don't remember the name of. I also remember Dumbledore choking on the ear wax flavored Bertie Botts' Every Flavor Beans (ICK. The snake at the beginning had more speech. we never see Dudley's gang. the Midnight Duel's gone. Norbert (Hagrid's dragon) flies away, and they don't attempt to sned him to Ron's brother. the list goes on. Why omit so much stuff? My guess is that the filmmakers didn't want to bore the kids with a 3-hour film. However, younger children would be scared away by the scary moments, and I think that the remainder have sat through "Titanic. Don't ask me why. I hate the movie, and haven't even seen it!
Okay, on to other things. Why not add in a few things? I wanted to see Nearly Headless Nick (John Cleese) push his head off (it's still hanging there- that's how he's nearly headless) put it back, and exclaim, Thank you, God! Thank you so BLOODY much. FYI: This is from "Fawlty Towers, a TV show of his.) In the finished product, I remember him smiling (I didn't even need a Remembrall) Why?
No, I didn't hate the movie. Despite a nagging want for more details, the film did good with what was left. FOr example, the ONE Quidditch game made me feel dizzy (a bit. That's good for a flying sport with 4 balls! Weird, yeah. The film even did things I don't remember from the book (must have skipped some lines) like trap Dudley in the snake's cage. (Hahahahhahahah.)
Joke Rating: 9(3/4) 10 Real Rating: 5(1/2) 10.
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